High Tom,
Just as long as I can get my hands on replacement vacuum tubes, I'll keep
this old receiver going for many years.
My father ran it strait for about 20 years before any work had to be done on
Nock on wood, I ran it strait for about 15 years without any problems.
But just in case a tube blows out, I have some replacement tubes on hands to
get it back working again.
My best regards.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Kaufman" <tomca...@comcast.net>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: a question about joint stereo and normal stereo
I don't know if this has anything to do with it..but I find (with this JVC
stereo receiver I have)..I'm running some old Technique speakers"..and
while the base response is adequate, it's not a real hard thumping base;
don't know if it's the speakers or the stereo receiver itself (I keep the
base wide-open..and it's there..but wouldn't mind a little bit more!
Tom Kaufman P.SO. John: I'd say to you "hold on to that system you got
for as long as you can run it!"
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