High Sunshine,
When I was running both versions 5.35 and 5.54, I was able to play the files in Winamp from the many ST card.
This is only happening in version 5.56.
But if that's the best work around, I'll try it.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Sunshine" <sunsh...@abe.midco.net>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 3:29 AM

that is true when that happens winampw ill become unresponsive, and that is
why you can not stop or  do anything with winamp, what i do; is this.
I   usually  take and go to the drive that is a removeable  drive in my
computer and then enter, on the drive, and then  select the files and cut
them to my clipboard, then i; can paste them to my documents and when they
have finished moving/ or being placed on my computer i remove the sd card,
and then ic an work with the files freely on my computer.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Christopher Chaltain" <chalt...@gmail.com>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 12:23 AM

Hmm, well I'm still fairly certain that when you plug in the card reader
you're getting a dialog box popping up in winamp asking you if you want
Winamp to manage that device. I've had this happen multiple times, and I get
exactly the symptoms you describe. This isn't much different than that
dialog you get when it's telling you about a new update. Sometimes I'm able to use the JAWS cursor to find the appropriate button to click on. However,
sometimes I've had to get sighted help. Ask your wife if there's a dialog
box asking if you want to manage the device with a Yes and a No button. Ask
her to click one of those buttons with the mouse, depending on whether you
want to manage the device with Winamp or not, and see if that takes care of
the problem.

I suspect you're not getting this with the LG VX-8360 because either Winamp
isn't recognizing that as a device it can manage or at some point in the
past you answered that dialog above.

Like I said, I'm fairly certain this is what is going on, but I can't be

BTW, I did look for some kind of setting in Winamp that would let you tell
it you don't want it to manage any portable devices, but I couldn't find
one. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Sorry I'm not more helpful.


-----Original Message-----
From: pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org]
On Behalf Of DJ DOCTOR P
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 11:00 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List

High Christopher,
I am in deed using Jaws.
I looked for some kind of a setting thing, but I couldn't find it.
I showed this problem to my sighted wife, but she doesn't know enough about
Winamp to help me with it.
Like I said, this doesn't happen when I plug my LG VX-8360 phone in to my
I can use Winamp to sink audio files to the phone, but I can't play any of
the files from the phone while it is plugged in to the computer.
That's why I use that external card reader to edit the many ST card that the
phone plays the audio files from.
But now, how do I keep Winamp from freezing up on me when I plug the card
reader in to the computer?
This is what I'm trying to figure out.
But any how, thinks for the suggestion.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Chaltain" <chalt...@gmail.com>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 9:37 PM

I suspect that what's happening is a dialog box is appearing asking if
you  want Winamp to manage the new device or not. You might try to look
around  with the JAWS cursor (assuming you're running JAWS), but you
may need  sighted help. Once you answer the question once, you won't
have that  dialog  box popping up again. There may be a way to keep
that dialog box from  coming  up in the settings somewhere, but I
haven't looked for it myself.


-----Original Message-----
From: pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org
On Behalf Of DJ DOCTOR P
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 11:50 AM
To: winamp4thebl...@freelists.org
Cc: PC audio discussion list.

Hello both Winamp For The Blind and PC Audio list members, Just as the
tidal says, I have a problem with Winamp 5.56.
I plugged an external card reader in to 1 of my USB ports to edit a
many ST card that came from my LG VX-8360 Celle phone.
The moment I plugged that card reader in, that's when Winamp freezes
up on me.
But however, this does not happen when my LG VX-8360 is plugged in to
my computer.
Is there a way to fix this problem in Winamp?
Thinks in advance!Yours truly, John.
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