Hello all,

Without getting into too many details, the reading services department of 
the association for the blind where I work has been getting ready for a big 
broadcasting automation change we're making to our programming.  As some of 
you who have read several previous posts from me may recall, an agency co-
worker and I have been working with the StationPlaylist 
Creator/Scheduler/Studio Pro broadcast playlist automation package 
available from www.StationPlaylist.com.  I am happy to report that our 
agency has decided to purchase the package.  My co-worker and I have begun 
using the licensed/unlocked package, which until yesterday has worked 
rather well for us.  Unfortunately though, she and I both hit a big pothole 
late yesterday afternoon:

She and I had stepped-up the reading service's Windows XP Pro broadcast 
automation computer from JAWS 8 to JAWS 10, and a second soundcard--an SB 
Live--was installed in that computer.  It was after my co-worker and I set 
JAWS 10 to use the SB Live soundcard when our StationPlaylist Studio became 
crash and error city.  The plan was this:  The Nullsoft Shoutcast DSP we 
had been using to provide our Shoutcast stream would be run using Studio.  
This had been tested before when we were using JAWS 8, the Studio JAWS 
scripts from hartgen.org, and only one soundcard, and things worked 
beautifully.  Now, all we get are SPLEngine.exe error messages when JAWS 
uses the SB Live.  I should mention that since we had installed JAWS 10, we 
had not updated the Studio JAWS scripts.  Should this be done?  I went 
ahead and set things the way they used to be--JAWS uses the on-board 
SigmaTel soundcard, and Winamp once again controls the Nullsoft Shoutcast 

Any help I can get with this will be much appreciated.  You can email me 
here or at jh...@tricountyblind.org.  My Skype username (I'll be on after 
7:00 PM Eastern) is jimhunt76.

Thanks so much.


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