thanks Christopher.  I simply haven't caught onto the ITunes way of buying
music or acquiring podcasts so hardly surprising I'm in the dark as to what
the big deal is.

If DRM is being dispenceddispensed with I may well get an interest in all of
this, but I nvernever have gone in for music sharing and the like so the IPod
has passed me by, sad person that I am.

Apple would be winning more interest and support were it to get accessability
right from the start.  Hard to believe it would old up progress on all the
other new must have stuff.


Christopher Chaltain wrote:
I  think iTunes has several purposes. First, it drives traffic to the iTunes
Store. Second, it is needed to transfer content to your iPod, although other
applications, such as Winamp,  have been allowed to do this lately. Third,
it provides an easy way to tab and manage podcasts. In other words, it isn't
too different from similar applications out there that allow you to play
your multimedia content, manage your multimedia library, manage the media on
your mobile devices and interact with a storefront offering free and paid
content. Winamp, windows Media Player, Zune, Rhapsody and so on all provide
similar function.

I'm not an iTunes user, but I was disappointed to see the accessibility
problems with iTunes 9. According to a post I saw earlier, fixing the iTunes
Store in iTunes 9 will require an update for iTunes and Window-Eyes. I
haven't heard what's required for JFW and Screen Access. I'm glad Apple is
working with the screen reader venders to get this fixed, but given how much
Apple has done with accessibility lately, it would be nice if accessibility
were part of their day zero release. I'm not sure what features there are in
iTunes 9 that would have them rush it out without getting the accessibility


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Ray

Lynn and all, just to show my ignorance on all things ITunes, but what's the
purpose of ITunes these days if Apple has abandoned DRM?  I thought the
reason for it's existence was to handle DRM as much as anything else.

As for the JFW question, it's only a matter of time before JAWS will work
with the latest ITunes and GW Micro says it is working with Apple to sort
out the ITunes store issues in version 9 of the software.  this is bound to
benefit JFW users and others too.  System Access claims to work with ITunes
9 propperly, or at least better, right now.

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