David, very interesting link re. Adobe Flash Accessability.  (I mis-read your
message thinking you were saying the accessability video was inaccessible, but
of course, it does enable interaction with the video.

What the heck do we have to do to get everyone using Flash - (that's about
everyone with multi-media content - to implement this?

David Bailes wrote:
Hi Ray,

regarding the native accessibility of flash, here's a tutorial on Adobe's
website (and it's an accessible flash movie):



original message:
Hahaha, RNIB could never ever develop anything like the IPlayer.  The BBC
developped it, although the Beeb used a pre-existing development of the Flash
Player for internet streaming from Siemens. See,


Accessability was grafted onto the IPlayer by a team within the Beeb after
much complaint from UK listeners re. lack of accessability.  Siemens isn't
noted for its comitment to accessability, hence the BBC's effort after the
launch of IPlayer.  It should, of course, have got it right before launch but
then we're familiar with access as an after thought.

I often wonder whether Adobe couldn't build more native accessability into
Flash but I believe there are documented methods of binding keystrokes to
actions or facilities provided by flash, but I don't know enough to say more,
as it must be obvious my knowledge is rather thin here.


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