Hi, Kelly: On Sun, 24 May 2009 19:46:04 -0700, you wrote:
>I'd like to clean up some of the details on some of my music files and was >wondering what folks found to be a good accessible program to do this. You need both MP3 Tag Studio by Magnus Brading (http://www.magnusbrading.com) and Florian Heidenreich's aforementioned MP3Tag, and you need them for two reasons. MP3 Tag Studio does a couple more things than MP3Tag does, and personally I like its interface better, but that's more of a Coke vs. Pepsi kind of choice. The one thing MP3Tag does that MP3TS does not do is search online databases to fill in information about albums you may not possess, such as label and cover art images in JPeg format. I also think, but would not swear to, that Tag Studio is begtter at case-fixing and operating on file lists than MP3Tag is, or even that MP3Tag does these things, which I don't recall that it does. I wouldn't have been able to stay DMCA-compliant in my broadcasting without the Heidenreich tool, but before I learned how to use that one correctly, I was a die-hard MP3TS fan, but, as I said at the beginning of this message, you really do need both programs if you want to be able to automate tag management as much as is possible to do so. To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: pc-audio-unsubscr...@pc-audio.org