I'm in agreement with this for the same reason--my next computer may well be a 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Larry 
  To: PC Audio Discussion List 
  Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 10:17 AM
  Subject: Re: Fwd: A few words on Amadeus Pro

  On a list like this one, it seems to me that there are bound to be 
  discussions that are not applicable to all list members. If I see a thread 
  that doesn't interest me, I may choose to ignore it, something that I can 
  easily do by just hitting the delete key.

  I think that Tom has done a fine job of offering list members the 
  opportunity to define the list's direction and I believe that audio as 
  related to the Mac fits right in to the current definition of applicable 

  Personally, I'm in the midst of deciding whether my next computer will be a 
  Mac or a windows system and discussions of audio applications on both are 
  crucial to reaching an intelligent decision. To others, a discussion of how 
  to listen to some event which is of interest to people who live in another 
  part of the world is just as crucial. So I hope the list will maintain its 
  broad base of topics which are eligible for discussion.

  Just my 2 cents and nothing more.


  Larry Naessens

  At the Vinylguy Café, we turn old records and tapes into brand new CDs
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