to untie the Creative volume control:
Run the Creative Console. Find the speakers tab. find
Synchronize with Microsoft Windows Control Panel
and uncheck it. Click close. You should get a dialog sayig that you need
to restart the system for the changes.
Does sound like you are running into your mic input if the sound is coming
through loud and distorted when you choose the mic input..
Is the sound you hear when you play back a recording or while monitoring?
Remember the input selection does not effect what comes from your sound
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dale E. Heltzer" <>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <>
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 11:05 AM
Subject: LineIn Recording won't stay Selected for Soundblaster Audigy
I have the output of my stereo input to the LineIn on the Audigy
sound-card. I Select LineIn for recording with the System Volume
Control, but in never "sticks." I must first Select Microphone (which
brings forth a badly distorted feed from my stereo. Only then can I
Select LineIn. The Creative volume control is tied to the System Volume
Does anyone know of a fix for this problem?
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