Let me know where to download? Please?
Also, since I am, like you were, a winamp user so, how if foobar2000 that much better? Library? etc.

Curtis Delzer.

At 04:50 PM 11/10/2008, you wrote:
This thread enspired me to try Foobar2000, and I have to say I absolutely love it! I have all my plugins in Foobar from Winamp, and have even replaced some of them with custom-built Foobar ones which are much better. An example would the SoundTouch plugin. I also have my broadcasting plugin, EdCast, configured in Foobar now too. After using Winamp for about 3 years, I never thought anything would be better, but Foobar2000 is much better for me and it is being updated all the time. So, I will say to people who think Winamp is the best thing since sliced bread, give the Foobar2000 0.96 Beta4 a try and see what you think, I think you will be greatly impressed.
On Monday, November 10, 2008 at 08:46 PM (GMT), Richard Claypool wrote:
I think that fuber does handle winamp plugins, so I would say that there's
really not much of a reason to leave for winamp.  the library, at least
under jaws, doesn't work correctly in later versions.  if you have a large
musical collection, it can take many many many many megs of ram.  mine, with
around 20k plus songs, takes up around 45 megs of ram.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Pattison" <s...@internode.on.net>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 5:09 AM
Subject: Re: Why winamp?

> Hi Anders,

> Regarding Winamp the installation is extremely flexible so you can
> install as many or as few features as you want and need so Winamp
> doesn't have to take up a lot of space.  I like Winamp because I like
> experimenting with some of the DSP/Effect plug-ins available for Winamp.
> I don't have Hal so I don't know how well the Winamp library works with
> Hal.  Another reason I like to use Winamp is because of the excellent
> Window-Eyes scripts now available for Winamp.  However if Foobar 2000
> meets all of your needs you might like to keep using it.  So you have a
> lot of options.

> Regards Steve.

> From: Anders Holmberg and...@pipkrokodil.se
> To: PC Audio Discussion List pc-audio@pc-audio.org

> Actually i have been using foobar2000 for 4 years now.
> However from the beginning it was a really neat and great player.
> Though many functions i had in my first version of foobar2000 has been
> removed.
> For example, you now have to create your own hotkeys for play stop etc.
> Now to my question.
> Most people seems to use winamp and seems to be very satisfied with it.
> But it seems to take up a lot of space though.
> Now in the latest version of hal you can use winamp much more flexible
> than
> before.
> The screenreader has got new map files and scripts.
> So i am thinking to start using winamp again after 4 years.
> There is a streamripper plugin also for winamp.
> But why should i use winamp?
> More than what i've stated above.
> Can the library feature be used?
> Such as the shoutcast radio functionality i had in older versions of
> winamp.

> Regards Steve
> Email:  s...@internode.on.net
> Windows Live Messenger:  internetuser...@hotmail.com
> Skype:  steve1963

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