Greetings.  I live in Mishawaka, Indiana, USA, and am a former member
of the commercial radio fraternity.  Because I served as a board
operator for several years in the 1980s and early '90s, I've got two
pieces of equipment that were meant to make my job accessible as a
totally blind member of the industry: the Aud A Level and the Aud A
Meter.  The first
is designed to help a blind board operator monitor and properly adjust
levels on an analog board, while the second is designed for digital
boards.  Since I've been out of the industry for several years and am
cleaning out my inventory of equipment I no longer use, I want to put
these up to see what the best offer is they might command.

Here is the Aud A Level product description, as posted on AbleData's Web site:

"AUD A LEVEL (MODELS 1102 & 1100)

"Aud A Level, models 1102 & 1100, are audible recording level
indicators designed for use by individuals who are blind or have low
vision. The devices connect to the monitor jack of recording
equipment. A small speaker produces a tone if the volume level of the
recording exceeds the proper level. Pitch of tone is proportional to
the degree volume exceeds proper level; varying pitch level allows
rapid adjustment of equipment. Time can be read to 2 second accuracy
for broadcast and other precision timing. Professional model (1102)
has additional control features. POWER: battery. DIMENSIONS: 1.5 by 2
by 3 inches."

Next is the description of the Aud A Meter, taken from the same source:


"Audible and tactile meter reader. Connects across the terminals of
any electrically driven visual meter movement. Applications include
ham radio, broadcast, automotive, analog computer readout, electronic,
radio and TV test equipment. 4 channel unit connects to 4 different
meters; has selector switch."

My Aud A Level was used for several years, but never had any problems
and, as far as I know, is still in excellent condition.  Because I
operated mostly analog boards, the Aud A Meter never has been used and
is effectively new, although it was purchased some 20 years ago.  I
believe it is the four-channel unit; but obviously, if someone has
interest, I will verify by looking at the product and getting in touch
with its makers.

The manufacturer of these two devices still is in business.  Formerly
known as Science Products for the Blind, this firm is now known as
Captek, Inc., and it's located in Pennsylvania.  It does not appear
that Captek any longer manufactures these two particular devices, and
AbleData does not publish a hint as to what price these would command
at this time.  Captek's Web site may be found at

If interested, please reply to this message, or phone me at the
numbers listed below.


Kane Brolin
Office:      (574)254-9192, Ext. 1
Wireless:  (574)386-8868

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