Hi again folks,
Please ignore my previous post on the subject of a motorolla H700
headset, What I really need is something wireless and I don't know
if the Motorolla is wireless, or even a good choice for my needs.
I am in need of a wireless headset for online schooling starting
soon. I don't want to spend more then $50.00 for it but would want
something with some good quality on both microphone and listening
aspects. As school usually is, there will be lots of online material
I must read,-and in my case re-read perhaps several times. Hence a
wireless set would be nice so I can maybe get up and exercize or
something while I'm listening to class materials. I really respect
the opinions of the folks on this and other lists and would be truly
greatful for any suggestions you guys may have for me to consider.
John Chilelli
DayStar Promotions
Erie, PA
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