I thought listers might be interested in this opinion from a computer sales and service guy that I use about the Lite Scribe. function.
Hi Peter, No. The drives I and most people use are not Lightscribe enabled I can get them but the technology is all but dead see the following reasons 1, Burners are around $20 more. 2, Disks are more than double the price of inkjet printable disks. 3, Most mid range inkjet printers print directly to disks and can be very colorful and easy to read. 3, Lightscribed disks are hard to read, one shade of silver or gold. 4, Your canon MP760 prints directly to inkjet disks now for free Jonathan Mosen List Founder Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... http://www.pc-audio.org To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]