This is actually a symptom of what I believe to be a greater problem, the
overall decrease in accessability of the whole audio wrelm.  I just bought
this shiny new computer complete with this stupid onboard sound from
Realtech that is frustrating at best.  Can't control the sound other than in
the most very basic way. The Windows controls give me control over the
volume at least, but I can't get any more highs out of my speakers as one

I'm sorry, if I've got built in audio why the blank should I have to pay for
another box and use one of my disappearing USB ports?

My audio rant for the day.

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Larry Naessens
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 8:09 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: I Was Wrong

Very well stated Bruce. Not long ago, I would have and occasionaly did join 
you in the endorsement of this software. Now I've decided that I won't be 
updating further. In fact, I've already rolled back and haven't yet decided 
whether or not Easy CD still deserves space on my harddrive.

As of this writing, I can't even get the program's author to respond to my 
emails and I've given up on him. That being said, does anyone know of a 
program that offers the kind of accessibility that Easy Cd used to offer? 
I'd like to move on to something that continues to advance while 
mnmaintaining accessibility. For whatever reason, I'm not a big Nero guy, 
but if there's an all around program out there that's similar to what Easy 
cD once was, I'd like to hear about it.


Larry Naessens
Vinyl Trans4mations
A Division of Jalana Enterprises
Bradford, Ontario
Phone: 905 918 0658

Vinyl Trans4mations, a Burn Above the Rest
At Vinyl Trans4mations, we turn old records and tapes into brand new CDs 
that you can listen to for a lifetime. Visit us at We 
welcome all of your enquiries by phone or email. Before sending us your 
media, please contact us for important shipping instructions.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bruce Toews on an Unspecified Input Device" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 9:28 AM
Subject: I Was Wrong

>I was wrong to recommend Easy CD-DA Extractor to people. It once was a
> very, very accessible program, but has become increasingly less so over
> the versions. It is still a marvelous tool for burning audio or data
> CD's or data DVD's. But for ripping CD's, version 12 is all but
> unusable, or at least it has been in my experience. The author insists
> that standard controls are being used, and if our screen readers can't
> handle standard controls, that's our problem. I am truly sorry to anyone
> who, on my recommendation, may have purchased this program and given its
> author money he does not deserve. If you are looking for a good,
> accessible burning solution, Easy CD-DA Extractor meets those
> qualifications. But as other accessibility has decreased over the
> versions, who knows what may happen with the burning capabilities. I
> really thought the author was committed to trying to make the program
> accessible, but clearly he is not, and my public endorsement of the
> program was unfounded. The track listings and the file location controls
> are not standard controls, nowhere near standard controls. The author
> says he will not sacrifice functionality for accessibility. We are not
> asking for decreased functionality, was are simply asking for the
> accessibility. It is unfortunate that it has come to this. Again, my
> sincere apologies for the high praise and recommendation I gave for this
> program in the past.
> Bruce
> -- 
>  Bruce Toews
> Jonathan Mosen List Founder
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