
What isn't clear in the manual is that it is necessary to select wave view in the view menu rather than time view. While blind people won't be looking at wave patterns, former Sound Forge users like myself are used to selecting pieces of audio with the shift and arrow keys and being able to enlarge or shrink with the keyboard the increment that is selected. This is called the zoom ratio. The time view doesn't use the zoom ratio for selecting text. Realize that in Studio Recorder though shrinking or expanding the zoom ratio is done with function keys rather than the up and down arrow keys, which do something else.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Breda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: Studio recorder question:

Hi Kelly.

Thanks for the info.

Yes I need to subscribe to the list, haven't done that yet.
What I didn't see in the manual was exactly what you described moving the arrows with the shift key as you would in sound forge or goldwave to move a marker that may have been improperly placed.

thanks a  bunch.


Kelly Pierce wrote:
I use the zoom view in SR rather than the time view. It offers a similar method of adjusting a selection as in Sound Forge. The issue isn't moving an edit point but changing the parameters of a selection, which is discussed in the manual.

I adjust selections by going to the beginning or end of a selection using the control right bracket or control left bracket keys and using the right and left arrow keys and the shift key.

BTW: Are you familiar with the Studio Recorder mailing list? Details are on the SR page on the APH website.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Breda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 5:09 PM
Subject: Studio recorder question:

Hi Listers.

In studio recorder if you drop markers with the left or right bracket keys and you find they need to be moved slightly, how is this done?

I read the entire manual and didn't see mention of a way to move a marker or would you just use scrub at that point?

P.S. does anyone know anything about the Plextalk RE11 remote control for studio recorder?

I am looking for a remote control unit that I could preferrably use with all recording software such as goldwave, sound forge stuido rerecorder etc.

Is this a fantacy?


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