From: Chrissie Cochrane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Folks

Coming up on this week's Main Menu we devote the whole program to one item.  

If you are a musician, especially a keyboard player, you won't want to miss 
this.  Martin Harris, gives us a demonstration of the latest keyboard from 
Yamaha, the Tyros 3.  If you think that sampled instruments aren't realistic, 
then you really need to listen to this demonstration.  This is music computer 
technology at it's very best and what's more it's in a portable keyboard.  

Main Menu has it's first airing at 01:00 UTC on Wednesday 5 November, that's 8 
pm Eastern, 5 pm Pacific on Tuesday 4 November, and is repeated every four 
hours throughout the broadcast day, on ACB Radio Mainstream.

If you've ever wanted an orchestra, or jazz group at your finger tips, then you 
really must listen to what's now possible with the latest computer music 
keyboard technology.  

Join me for Main Menu, at 01:00 UTC on Wednesday 5 November.

Chrissie Cochrane

Regards Steve
Windows Live Messenger:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Skype:  steve1963

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