Hi well I just went to the proposed url? nothing would come on why? must one have sign on or not?At 10:56 AM 10/12/2008, you wrote:

I have an idea anyway that if any cricket SA is involved in is broadcasted
on radio 2000, you may get it on

Although the sound quality is rather attrocious!


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Stephen Jolley
Sent: 11 October 2008 05:05 AM
To: vip-l; PC audio discussion list.
Subject: Cricket - India v Australia

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't responded sooner but have been out of contact over the last
day or so.

I am not aware of any audio streaming of this series.

ABC local radio has the radio but not streaming rights and is streaming
alternative programs while the cricket is on.

You might find video streaming with TV commentary from a search such as
Google, but be ware this can be misleading as it may merely only show up old

It is a sorry state of affairs that business factors get in the way of what
technology can provide. Things should be better from Australia, New Zealand
and South Africa over the coming months.

In the case of Australian originated cricket, in recent years the ABC stream
has been restricted to within Australia but Cricket Australia has made the
feed available internationally. We'll see in November what the story is this

Good luck to all,

Stephen Jolley
Melbourne Australia
"Too much cricket is barely enough".

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