Hi, Chris:

Welcome to the Station Playlist culture!

To get what you want insofar as crossfading goes, you might have to
raise the number of dB the fade must have before starting the new
track.  I have mine set very high, to 21 dB.

Also, and Jonathan can surely set me straight on this if I'm wrong,
uncheck the option that says to crossfade tracks.  It's a misnomer. If
you uncheck it, the next track will start while the last one is still
playing, just like you want, but the current track won't undergo one
of those fades and the next song won't fade in.  There may be one or
more checkboxes on that screen to watch out for.  I'd tell you exactly
what I'm doing with my own SP, but that machine is so badly
virus-ridden at the moment as to be virtually useless!

On Sat, 20 Sep 2008 13:11:18 -0400, you wrote:

>                                       Hi folks
>I posted this a couple days ago, amid all the other questions about 
>station playlist and I didn't get any responses, so I'll try again in 
>hopes someone could be kind enough to lead me in the right direction.
>I have the demo of station playlist studio standard, and it works 
>beautifully. I've mastered playlists and things, but for some strange 
>reason, whenever I go out of automation mode, my voice can't be 
>heard.  I'm using the Sam encoders to broadcast and the source is set 
>to audio pipeline.  I tried using Microsoft sound mapper in hopes 
>that would allow me to be heard, and it looks like that worked ok, 
>but I got reports that the volume of my music dropped dramatically, 
>and my speech could be heard at times.  Is there any specific setting 
>I should change so that everything works as it should?
>Also, I'd like to be able to change the way SPL crossfades 
>songs.  Sometimes the next song comes right on before the last one 
>has even had a chance to fade out.  I'm currently using Optimax as my 
>compression plugin, and I'd like for the songs to have a little more 
>time to fade out.  Is there a setting I can change to achieve this, 
>or another plugin anyone can recommend?
>Thanks for any help folks
>Jonathan Mosen List Founder
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