Hi Audrey.  I don't listen to Radio 1 (I've grown up LOL).  I have just
tried their site and I also couldn't get to listen live.  However, I went to
their "text only" page and the link was there and it worked fine.  I think
the problem in part is the BBC are using a new player (I player)  They did
use real player at one point but it seems each time I visit a BBC site
(usually world service or radio 4 or 5) it is usually the I player they say
is being used.  Hope this is of some help.  Walter.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Audrey Levine
Sent: 01 June 2008 11:18
To: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
Subject: can't hear radio 1

Hi All,

        I used to be able to listen to BBC radio1, but now when I click on the
"listen live" link, the machine goes "ding" and I get frustrated because I
miss the chart show on Sundays.
I live in New York City, so maybe the British government cut it off to
those not living in the UK.

        Can someone send me a direct link? Or perhaps, there is another way to
access it?

        Thanks very much.


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