Hi guys
I'm atempting to do some production work and I have this idea for 
something but I'm not quite sure how to pull it off, so I'm hoping 
one of you guys can assist me.

As it says in the subject line, I'm using Sound Forge 8. I'm just not 
able to afford version 9 at the moment so you know how it is, you 
work with what you have.

In this production, I have a bunch of short audio clips and i have no 
problem mix pasting them all together on top of a music bed, that part's easy.
What I want to do however, and I'm pretty sure SF 8 can do this but 
I'm not sure? but what I want to do is take one of these sound clips, 
set it to only play on the left channel, and then just after that 
one, i want another one to play only on the right channel.  I've been 
through all the options, and a friend of mine suggested maybe using 
mute, because in an earlier version, you can only mute one 
channel.  That's essentially what I need to do but I'm not sure 
how.  Even more curious is the fact that if I press the tab key once, 
the sound of the file only goes through the left, then another press 
of the tab key goes over to the right, and then a third press brings 
us back to both channels.  I would need to figure out how to get one 
of these sounds to only play through one channel, so I hope this can 
be done. i do have other recording programs like Goldwave and Studio 
Recorder so  I'm all set with the actual programs, but just need to 
know how to do this.

        Thanks for any thoughts!

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