On 3/4/08, Gary G Schindler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was able to listen to the Phillies and Pirates successfully yesterday.

Gary, did you try this on your Braille Sense?  I'm curious to see
whether this will work on a Braille Sense, BrailleNote, PAC Mate, or
(alternatively) an Icon.  I haven't yet obtained one of these devices,
but plan to do so rather soon.  It would be fun to have portable
access to MLB's media player through a wifi connection in the house.
> everything is back to normal now. the only thing worth mentioning is I lost
> my feed when browsing to another site on the internet. I was looking at some
> podcasts and my window disappeared, thus my audio was gone.

This does happen sometimes.  But I've not found that the MLB player
window is highly unstable.  It usually stays with me as long as I want
> When the ball clubs do webcasts, I wish the audio wouldn't sound so damn
> cheap.

I guess that's why we pay around $15 for the entire season of just
audio feeds, while those who want the television feed pay nearly $15
each month.  There is a bandwidth difference.  To be fair, the reason
why some of these audio feeds sound as though they were filtered or as
though they went through a bad phone line, is because that is
reflective of how the signal is fed into the radio stations carrying
the games.  Even on HD radio, I doubt that you're getting CD-quality
sound from the ballparks.  Most stations probably believe this is
unnecessary, since MLB over-the-air broadcasts usually are aired on
low-wattage talk or sports talk AM stations any more, not on great
clear channel stations and certainly not on FM stereo stations.  I
think this year's audio feeds from MLB.com are better than last
> You gave a nice description of the various broadcast links.

Thanks.  I did this in case someone else on the list has an issue with
GameDay Audio in the future.

One other thing to keep in mind:  MLB.com does not use the exact same
media playing protocols for all feeds.  For example, there's no way to
play archived daily fast casts or videos (as of interviews that were
done for MLB Radio) if you're using JAWS.  You can get to these
interview or headline feeds, but because they're all offered only
using the SilverLight flash player, we as blind users have no way to
activate those feeds' PLAY mechanism.  Fortunately, it is possible for
us to receive live or archived audio feeds of games, because even
though these are offered to us in SilverLight to start with, you can
"switch to original media player."  It also is possible always to
listen to the audio feed of Baseball Channel.TV, which airs programs
such as "Staying Hot" and "Fantasy 411."  This apparently doesn't
stream by default in SilverLight.

One more final, final note:  If you delete your cookies in Internet
Explorer, as I had to do yesterday for an unrelated reason, you'll
have to opt for the original media player again next time you turn on
a game feed.  As long as you don't delete cookies, you'll not have to
make that selection each time; GameDay Audio will default to the
original media player setting
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kane Brolin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 5:40 PM
> Subject: Re: MLB game day audio and BrailleSense
> > On 3/2/08, Gary G Schindler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I am glad you brought up the silver lite thing. somehow I was able to go
> >> back and choose the classic media player.
> >
> > I heard from a tech support rep at Freedom Scientific today. He
> > affirms that, as far as he knows, SilverLight is not accessible to
> > JAWS. In fact, the program might have been developed specifically so
> > that only a mouse could invoke the SilverLight player. (Thanks again
> > for your "sensitivity" to access issues, Microsoft!)
> >>
> >> When I tried the silverlight thing, I was
> >> told something about doing maintenance and to try later which didn't make
> sense
> >> at the time when I wanted to listen to a live ball game.
> >
> > Gary, I got that same message after switching from the SilverLight
> > player to the classic media player and trying to listen to a game this
> > past Friday. However, today I received some positive results: I
> > loaded the GameDay Audio page, chose a feed I wanted to hear, logged
> > in with my password, and realized that Internet Explorer had
> > remembered my preference for the classic media player. I didn't have
> > to select it again. And after getting past the security prompts, the
> > game played just fine and with much better and more consistent audio
> > quality than I had remembered from 2007.
> >>
> >> somehow I thought that I may have clicked on the TV feed by accident.
> >
> > During spring training, interestingly enough, some of those TV feeds
> > actually are viewable by those who haven't paid the $14.99/month--or
> > whatever it is--to watch the live TV games. MLB.com makes those
> > available to us as a promotional thing, of course, so that people who
> > benefit from the visuals will buy the MLB video package. You probably
> > know that you can opt for a certain home team or road team audio feed
> > just by clicking on the name of the flagship station where the program
> > airs in the radio world. For instance, I caught part of the St.
> > Louis-Washington game earlier today and was able to go straight to it
> > by clicking on the link labeled WWWT, which is the name of the
> > Washington Nationals' flagship station this season. Usually the video
> > feeds, while not named after a station, are named by the type or speed
> > of the Web stream: such as 750K or 400K.
> > Happy listening. Play ball!
> >
> > -Kane
> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> >> Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 5:51 PM
> >> Subject: Re: MLB game day audio and BrailleSense
> >>
> >>
> >> > HHi, Gary and others.
> >> >
> >> > I've run MLB's GameDay Audio on a PC for ten years now. Just this year,
> >> > I've discovered that MLB tends now to play most of its multimedia
> content
> >> > inside a Microsoft SilverLight frame--somewhat somilar to an Adobe
> Flash
> >> > Player frame, except it's Microsoft's proprietary flash player. Even on
> a
> >> > PC, this causes lots of problems if one is totally without eyesight and
> >> > running a screen reader, because JAWS does not seem to recognize or
> allow
> >> me
> >> > to invoke any of the buttons inside of the SilverLight frame with the
> >> > keyboard. I've brought up this issue on the PC Audio Discussion List
> >> > previously, and I've presented it to JAWS Tech Support too. No answer
> as
> >> > yet.
> >> >
> >> > You do have the option sometimes to make MLB's site honor your
> preference
> >> of
> >> > going back to their "classic" media player, which seems to be just
> Windows
> >> > Media Player running inside a separate IE window. This works as long as
> >> > MLB's multimedia sites are up and runnning.
> >> >
> >> > All this might cause a problem with Braille Sense. But since I've not
> >> used
> >> > a Braille Sense before, I regr3ettably can't help you there.
> >> >
> >> > -Kane
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
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> >> > http://www.pc-audio.org
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