I found in the entertainment section on my computer a facility to record my 
voice.  If I wanted to record another voice such as over skype, what could I 
use?  The record facility I found only recorded my voice clearly, you could 
only hear the other person faintly.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ray's Home" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2008 4:20 AM
Subject: RE: recording my voice

> Interesting post Steve, and I'm coming at this from your
> recommmendation of the Electrovoice RE20.
> Very good mic, and I believe Paul McCartney is a fan of it.  Just one
> slight caution though:  its a pretty low output mic and, unless you've
> a low noise pre-amp with plenty of gain, you're gonna have to get nice
> up-n-close.  Then again, that's another of the virtues of the RE20;
> it can stand a lot of close work without poppping and thumping, but
> within limits.  Very nice natural tone or voicing to this mic.
> I like a bit of acoustic or ambiance to my voice recordingand when
> used further away, then the RE20 needs a good 60Db of gain or more in
> the pre amps.  Lower end mixers don't cut it in this respect.
> I've bought a couple off eBay where you can get them for quite a nice
> price.
> HTH.
>>From Ray
> I can be contacted off-list at:
> -----Original Message-----
> Steve Matzura
> Subject: Re: recording my voice
> Hi, Auj:
> On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 14:29:22 +0000, you wrote:
>> I would like to make a recording of my voice; rather, a demo so I
> can get
>>some voiceover work.  What would be the best software program to use
> to
>>make this recording, and then burn a cd for "shopping" my demo?
> I'm going to assume you've invested heavily in a good--no, a very
> good--microphone and front-end mixer or pre-amp.  Neuman not
> necessary, but a good Electro-Voice microphone like the RE20 is what
> you *really* want, especially if you *really* mean it about making
> good recordings. It's all about the microphone.  The Schure SM57's or
> '58's are good, too, but ya know what?  After being a confirmed Schure
> fan for nearly 30 years, and loving my SM57's, I tried the Re20 and
> was totally blown away by its very lifelike reproduction.  It gave my
> Internet radio shows a whole new and much more likable sound, in my
> unhumble opinion.  Audiotechnica makes nice microphones, too, but I've
> also been an E-V fan for probably close to 40 years, since the old
> 676's were popular, and they've never let me down.  Cost a bit more,
> but if you're real serious about this, that's where you should spend
> your $$$.
> Now, as for recordingware, if you're only interested in making short
> voice-over-type recordings, look no further than good old Windows
> Sound Recorder (Programs / Acessories / Entertainment).  No frills--no
> features,either--just start it up, and start talking.  It also has a
> time limit of either 30 or 60 seconds, I forget which.  The point is,
> for what you want to do, it's perfect in every way--captures your
> voice, costs you nothing.
> Of course, if you're going to have to edit and produce your own
> things, then we're talkin' several knotches up the scale.  Goldwave,
> Sound Forge, CoolEdit, all good.  They all do essentially the same
> things, but with different looks and feels.
> To burn your CD, there are also lots of choices, all of which do the
> same thing, but with different looks and feels.  Easy CDDA Extractor
> is my personal fave, but lots of folks like CD Mate or Easy CD
> Creator, or even Nero Burning ROM, which, at its current version and
> level of sophistication, I think is way over the top for what you want
> to do and what you need.  But it's something to graduate to. In the
> end, it doesn't do anything to a CD that any of the aforementioned
> programs do, it just offers other options (like DVD production) that
> you haven't mentioned you need.  I'm a firm believer in focusing more
> on useability and functionality (which aren't the same thing at all)
> rather than bells and whistles I might (or might not) need down the
> road.  OK, a little expandability is a good thing, sure, but why buy a
> 20-room house if I'm probably never going to have a large family?  OK,
> so down the road you may wind up having wasted a little money on
> having to buy the same thing twice, once with one set of extra
> features and once with another, but sometimes that's the price one is
> required to pay when one is feeling one's way into a new line.
> Good luck, and let us know where we can download some samples.
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