Hi. I've been experimenting with IRTI's Eclipsewater, which facilitates 
converting DAISY files to audio. The application seems to default to the 
SAPI 5 voice in the Speech area of my XP control panel. For some reason, I 
only have MS's Sam there. I thought MS supplied a second voice with XP. In 
any event, I have AT&T Natural Voices Mike and Crystal elsewhere on my 

My question is how do I get the control panel to enable me to make either 
Mike or Crystal, or some other SAPI 5 voice, my system default.

IRTI gives a link to download an MS file entitled MS SAPI 5. I've looked the 
file up on Google, but the MS Webpage that describes it doesn't answer my 
questions. I'm wondering if this very large file is what will give me more 
voice options in the control panel. I've been waiting for a return call from 
IRTI's tech support, but so far in vain.

I'm sure the solution is familiar to many of you, and I'm hoping you can 
give me some clues.

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