To answer John: The SlingMedia tech support phone number is: 1-877-467-5464
The SlingBox device supports over 5000 devices. The SlingBox device comes with all necessary cables that you will need to use. It also uses a IR blaster. You use the At-Large Recorder application from to do your recordings for you. When you want to watch your tv channels on your computer you run the SlingMedia Sling Player software. I know 3 people who are blind who use the Sling Player software to watch tv on their PCs. One is in Denmark. You will need to spend some time learning all the applications. Take your time is my advice. Call Sling tech support for any questions you may have. You can also join the Replay ( products mailing list: On this list you can ask questions on At-Large Recorder 2.3. [EMAIL PROTECTED] and in subject line put: subscribe Just for you to know there are other avenues in this. You can use Media Center from Microsoft and this requires a tuner card. Rick Harmon uses ATI's software to record tv off his satellite box. Go to and choose the audio link. Petro Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]