Jonathan that's wonderful but here the FCC is money hungry. I've always
wished that there were low powered stations here but where are you going to
put them in the major cities like Sacramento, ca where I live. Years ago
when I lived in The Boston Area of New England we heard several low powered
stations on AM at like 610 or 620 which now the foolish FCC has sold to
commercial stations. These stations would broadcast just for a couple of
hours around midnight and they were basically in New York and I could hear
them fairly well. Sure I heard Language that is not necessarily clean but
it still was fun to listen. Back in the 80s I was living in San Francisco
and there was a feller named Steve Dunifer and he was running a low powered
station out of Berkeley which is the East Bay in that area. I know he
fought with the FCC on more than one ocassion. He may still be on the air.
I don't know if he's broadcasting on the net but he called his station
Radio Free Berkeley.
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On 9/13/2007 at 4:01 PM Jonathan Mosen wrote:

>Hmmm, I'm glad to be living in new Zealand, land of the free. <smile>.
>anyone is entitled to set up a low power FM station with a maximum power
>1 watt, within two defined areas of spectrum. You don't have to apply for
>any license, just set up and go. The Radio Spectrum management group
>the right to come and inspect your installation at any time and there are
>fines if you're over power. You also are required to do a station
>identification that provides contact details a minimum of every three
>But that's it. Simple. And you'll find some of the best radio out there on
>those frequencies. Lots of niche and community broadcasters.
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