Hi Jim,

Just to pint out that is a directory so if you do cd that directory you 
should get it.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Noseworthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 9:45 AM
Subject: A Rockbox Voice file creation under Cigwin question.

> Hi Gang:
> Perhaps one of you technical wizzards can help me figure something out.
> I am wanting to create my own SAPI5 voice file for Rockbox under Cigwin.
> There is a discription of how to accomplish this task; however, I'm not
> understanding one of the steps.
> The information is as follows:
> list of 5 items
> 1. mkdir build
> 2. cd build
> 3. ../tools/configure
> 4. Follow the on-screen instructions, selecting:
> list of 5 items nesting level 1
> 1. your target platform (a number)
> 2. A for advanced
> 3. V for voice
> 4. Your TTS engine (F for festival, E for espeak, L for flite or S for
> SAPI5)
> 5. Select your language (a number) or press ENTER for English.
> list end nesting level 1
> 5. make voice
> list end
> You now have a language.voice file.
> The question is, how does one get to step 3:
> 3. ../tools/configure.
> Obviously, there is something else that I need to download and install
> besides Cigwin.
> Any help would be appreciated all over the place.
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