Out of the blue I've run into a frustrating situation: One of the podcasts I've subscribed to has an episode that came across as a .MOV file, meant to be played in Quicktime. The file downloads fine in either Juice or iTunes. But when I tried to copy it to my iPod automatically with iTunes, just as one would do with practically any other podcast episode, I received an error message saying that my kind of iPod (Video 30 GB) would not play it, so the Apple software will not copy it over. Then I found two other interesting aspects:
(1) When attempting to play this file directly using Quicktime 7.2, I am given a generic message saying that a third-party add-on or plugin is needed to play this type of file in Quicktime. I am referred generally to a third party plugin archive maintained by Apple's Music Store, but there is no indication of which one I need. (2) Then I decided to use SoundTaxi to convert the file. In the beginning everything seems to go fine as I identify the file and then begin the conversion process. But then, right at about the 16% mark, my conversion stops and I get an error message stating simply "Conversion didn't start within 60 seconds." I thought the percentage prompts told me it was starting immediately! What am I not picking up on here? Why is it not natural for a video-enabled iPod to receive and play .MOV files designed for Apple software to begin with? Thanks in advance for any help. -Kane Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... http://www.pc-audio.org To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]