Actually that's what I use quickmix for. I have a default profile placed in 
my start up folder and it opens and I get my sound card settings back. I 
also ave a shortcut key to set my default volumes back if I need to.


:> This simple, new program was recently announced in IRTI's email
:> newsletter called News Clips. I don't know anything more about it
:> except the exerpt I have included here. Sounds like it could be
:> useful in a number of situations.
:> Jeff
:> ---------
:> What Happened to my audio!
:> Do you ever find after someone else had been using
:> your PC that changes in your audio settings mysteriously occurred or
:> is completely shutdown rendering your screen reader useless?
:> Have you ever installed or used unfamiliar software and magically
:> your PC systems audio
:> output is disabled?  We can tell you that IRTI tech support hears
:> about this scenario so often it has prompted us to write a New
:> Talking Utility we referred to as Audio SafeGuard.
:> Audio SafeGuard is a simple self voicing control that enables you to
:> adjust your PC's default audio settings providing accessible control
:> for Volume level and Mute State for your Master Volume, WAV audio
:> output, CD
:> Player, SW Synth,
:> Microphone and Line input devices.  The next time Audio SafeGuard is
:> launched, it compares the current default PC audio settings to the
:> stored preference file and automatically resets all audio parameters
:> back to your preferred audio settings.
:> Audio SafeGuard can be configured to run automatically when your
:> computer starts up or you can launch the application manually with a
:> hot-key.    In either case, your preferred audio settings are
:> automatically restored without the need to ask for sighted
:> assistance.  If set to run at start up, Audio SafeGuard temporarily
:> loads, runs a sound check, then automatically exits operation
:> freeing its memory space for other applications.
:> IRTI's Talking Utility - Audio SafeGuard is now included on IRTI
:> Turnkey Computer systems.  You may also download a 30-day trial
:> version from IRTI's web site.  If you find this to be a useful
:> utility, and we think you will, the 30 day trial version may be
:> purchased and activated for $9.
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