On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 10:39:26 -0400, you wrote:

>Unfortunately, I still am having connection troubles with mutorrent.  what 
>settings do I have to adjust to keep my connection from slowing down to a 
>crawl when using it? 

There's nothing to adjust.  It's supposed to be that way.  Really.
The thing is, you can be downloading from 20, 30 sources at a time,
each one at a trickle, like I said originally.  That's really the way
it's supposed to work.  You know, like the Federal government--it
takes just a little from everybody and winds up with a lot <grin>.

>Lol!  no anchovies, you've got the wrong man, I spell my name danger! 

Very good!
George W. Tirebiter
Department of Redundancy Department

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