Terra First of all, all 3 stations you reference -- kezo, ktcl, and KLOU -- are broken on WWW.billsparks.org. While kezo isn't a Clear Channel family station, the other 2 are -- and Clear channel is using a new template for their websites and streams which is now being migrated to many many of their stations.
I found KTCL and KLOU via http://streamingradioguide.com All three stations are linkable via www.mikesradioworld.com While www.radiotime.com had listen links for all three stations, only the one for KLOU has been updated and is working. The moral of the tale: when one search engine fails, try another. And then there is always the station's website. And speaking of station websites, for theclear Channel group, the new listen links are following this formula: append the following string to the station web site address: /cc-common/streaming_new/index.html?refreshed=yes Append this to the station's web address, you will pick up the stream. My hunch is that Bill Sparks has a lot of broken links these days due to this change. Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... http://www.pc-audio.org To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]