Yes. I think if i recall correctly that it is control=a to zome out and 
control+3 to zome in but I have not  used that  program in a while.

:> the left and right cursor don't give me enough fine tuning, to
:> delete that second of audio.
:> can the amount of time that is jumped forward or back by the cursor
:> keys, be adjusted?
:> ----- Original Message -----
:> From: "David Bailes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:> To: <>
:> Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 10:10 AM
:> Subject: Re: [Blind Audio] anyone using audacity?
:> Hi,
:> Audacity uses the same selection model as most windows
:> applictaions, so to select and delete from the start
:> to cursor:
:> 1. Make sure the track is selected (see Jaws guide for
:> details)
:> 2. Press shift + home, then delete.
:> Full details are given in the Jaws guide I've referred
:> to in another post in this thread.
:> David Bailes.
:> ----- original message -----------
:> hi, I tried using it with jaws, but found I couldn't
:> select and delete from
:> start to cursor.
:> mark
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