While those are laudible reasons to recommend Bill's site, anyone who 
limits himself to Bill's (or anyone else's site, for that matter) short 
changes themselves.
And, as for ease of use, all of the sites mentioned in this thread are 
just as accessible and easy to use as Bill's site.
When it comes to choices for internet streams, blind pc users have plenty 
of choices of where to go.
While going to 


is a great first choice, I hope that if you don't come up with what you 
want there, I hope 
you go to some of the other mentioned search sites.

And one other thought: sometimes on any of these sites, you may discover 
a link doesn't work.  This may be for any of many reasons:  the station is 
no longer streaming, they changed their link, they are temporarily down, 
or they are not streaming a parrticular show for contractual reason.

WWhen I come upon such situations, I always check another site or 2 or 3 
in the event that a link is broken.
Then, when that fails, go to the station website which Bill and many of 
the other sites give you a link to.

On Thu, 12 Apr 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Another reason Bill Sparks is the best is he's blind and
> understands to make his site accessible. I am going to suggest
> his site over the others anytime.
> http://www.billsparks.org   
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