
have you tried "Gold Wave"?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Price" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 7:22 AM
Subject: Using Your Computer To Turn Your Old Records & Tapes In To Cds,

> hello every one, I am DJ DR. P.
> I am a Jaws user.
> I would like to use my computer to turn my old records and caset tapes in 
> to cds.
> Here is my set up and what it's consisted of.
> I have a Dell desktop that is running Windows XP service pack 2.
> I am running Jaws 8.1.
> I also have a SONY cdr/rw drive whitch came with the system.
> I didn't like the Mother Board sound, so I ordered and installed a Sound 
> Blaster Odyssey 4 Series molty media controler sound card.
> My other equipment is a vintage Fisher 500-s stereo reciever a JVC tape 
> deck, a JVC turn table, and a Peavey vacuum tube mic preamp.
> My preamp is hooked up in between the reciever's record out and sound 
> card.
> I have downloded many types of software such as D Power Amp, and others.
> But none of them work with Jaws.
> Could any one tell me whare to look for software to perform this task that 
> is very user frendly with Jaws?
> Thanks a hole bunch.
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