Thanks for all your help.

I've just discovered that if I do a control shift T it takes my problem 
away. Sadly what it also takes away is that useful information that confirms 
you've selected a chunk of audio and tells you where your in and out is. It 
also doesn't tell me the time when I pause or stop audio now.

I'll play with these suggestions you've sent me. Thanks v much!

Oh and is it ok for me to plug the podcast I make? It's a rather over the 
top disability podcast hosted by two disabled comedians Mat Fraser and Liz 
Carr. It's monthly and available here
the new one goes up Thursday, SoundForge difficulties pending.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kelly Ford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 12:11 AM
Subject: RE: Soundforge: jaws reads time annoyance

> Do you have scripts for Sound Forge installed.  I know this is a feature 
> of
> scripts for this program.  Press ins+q and see what scripts are loaded. 
> If
> Sound Forge scripts are loaded, press ins+h and there should be
> instructions.
> Also make sure that screen echo is set to highlighted by toggling through
> the ins+s settings.
> Kelly
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Damon
> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 11:38 PM
> To: PC audio discussion list.
> Subject: Soundforge: jaws reads time annoyance
> Hi.
> In sound forge, when I hit spacebar and listen to the audio I've got 
> loaded
> up, JAWS keeps reading out the time progress. It obliterates the sound of
> the audio so I can't listen to it properly.
> I hear my audio in the background with jaws saying "zero zero zero 9
> seconds, zero 1 zero seconds, zero one three seconds, zero zero" etc.
> I've done an insert-S to turn screen echo to none .. but it still 
> continues.
> Does anyone have any ideas on how I can stop jaws doing this?
> I've got jaws 8 and I'm running soundforge 4.5 at the moment tho it also
> happens at work with jaws 5, jaws 6 jaws 7 and soundforge 6.
> Appreciated.
> Any short term get-arounds also appreciated.
> ...Damon
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