Thunder on a stick? Is he meaning the one from I have 
Thunder on this laptop so I asume he's doing the one from
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Pattison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"PC Audio" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 6:39 AM
Subject: Fwd: Coming up on Main Menu and Main Menu Live for the week of 
April 4th, 2007

>>From: Jeff on ACB Radio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Hello Everyone,
>>This week on Main Menu Live we present iTunes on the Mac.  With the recent
>>announcement of more accessibility for Mac users to use Voice Over with
>>iTunes, we wanted you to hear more about it from a Mac user's perspective.
>>John Gunn presents to us initial findings using iTunes with Voice Over on
>>the Mac.
>>Next we hear from RJ from RJ Cooper all about Thunder on a stick.  This is 
>>low cost screen reading alternative for those that may not be able to 
>>the more expensive products.  After RJ's presentation we bring him on Main
>>Menu Live to talk with us and you can call in and ask your own questions 
>>Darrell and I will do a brief tech round up for the week.  We have news
>>about a JAWS update that is now available, the new PodNova podcatching
>>desktop client, and much more.
>>The number to call into the show is 866-400-5333.  You can also email your
>>questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>You can also interact with the show via MSN Messenger.  The MSN Messenger 
>>to add is:
>>Would you like to interact with a group of Main Menu listeners about the
>>topics heard on Main Menu and Main Menu Live?  You can do this by joining
>>the Main Menu Friends email list.  The address to subscribe is:
>>Come join an already lively group of users.
>>Would you like to subscribe to podcasts feeds for Main Menu and Main Menu
>>Live?  The RSS feeds to add to your podcatching application are:
>>Main Menu
>>Main Menu Live
>>Main Menu and Main Menu Live can be heard on Tuesday evening at 9:00
>>Eastern, 6:00 Pacific, and at 1 universal on Wednesday morning on the ACB
>>Radio Main Stream channel.  Don't forget that this will be a 2 hour show.
>>To listen to the show, just click this link:
>>Jeff Bishop
>>Main Menu Producer
> Regards Steve
> Skype:  steve1963
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