Thanks, Dana!  I'm looking for one as well.  This looks perfect!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dana S. Leslie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: I need some sound sound card advice

> Well, then, Kathy, I suggest you check out the Soundblaster Live! 24bit
> External. I'm very happy with it.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Kathy Szinnyey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:22 PM
> Subject: Re: I need some sound sound card advice
> Hey, Dana!  No reason, really.  Just out of principle, I guess.  But it's 
> no
> big deal.  By the bye, it's been nice to see you back on the list lately!
> Peace,
> Kathy
> Kathy Szinnyey
> or
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Dana S. Leslie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 2:16 PM
> Subject: Re: I need some sound sound card advice
> Kathy,
> I highly recommend the SoundBlaster Live! 24bit External USB. I didn't
> mention it earlier because you had specified an internal card. Also, I 
> have
> never really tried to access the included software, but I don't think it's
> very accessible, if at all. Still, I've never needed to use it - always
> having some other piece of accessible software to do whatever I needed to 
> do
> with my audio. Why do you want to be able to access specifically the
> software that comes with your card, rather than using some other, more
> accessible package?
> Blessed Be,
> Dana
> that's Dayna, D A N A, NOT Donna, D O N N A
> D. S. Leslie, née C. R. Guttman
> Skype: dsleslie
> Your Source for Discounted Ideas
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Kathy Szinnyey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Kathy Szinnyey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "PC audio discussion
> list. " <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 3:44 PM
> Subject: Re: I need some sound sound card advice
>> Hi, all!  I'm not sure if my message made it to this list, so I thought
>> I'd
>> try again.  Below is my request for info, but I'm ammending it to say I'd
>> be
>> interested in external sound cards as well.  Any takers?
>> Peace,
>> Kathy
>> From: "Kathy Szinnyey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
>> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 4:39 PM
>> Subject: I need some sound sound card advice
>>> Hi, gang!  Well, I woke up this morning only to discover that our
>>> external
>>> sound card had passed away quietly in the night, so we're in the market
>>> for a decent sound card.  I think we want an internal sound card under
>>> $200 (if my husband had his way, it would be under $100, smile).  We 
>>> want
>>> something that would sound pretty good for recording as well as playing,
>>> and we don't care much about all that surround-sound stuff.  And, of
>>> course if possible, we want something that I can access the software of
>>> without totally pulling out all my hair!  Is there such a creature?  As
>>> always, I'm grateful for all your collective wisdom.
>>> Peace,
>>> Kathy
>>> Kathy Szinnyey
>>> or
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Rick Alfaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" <>
>>> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 2:20 PM
>>> Subject: RE: XP Media Center Question.
>>> Jim,
>>> Although I mainly use Window Eyes, it will basically be the same with
>>> Jaws.
>>> I will include a list of hotkeys below.  Watching and recording is easy
>>> and
>>> works well once you get the hang of it.  There is lots of stuff that
>>> doesn't
>>> speak like most dialogs and unfortunately, most program info displays,
>>> but
>>> navigating through the program guide, recording, playing back recordings
>>> and
>>> all of that stuff thankfully works quite well. Just check out these
>>> hotkeys
>>> then get in there and poke around a while and you will see what I mean.
>>> In
>>> addition, if you have a full fledged media center pc, with built-in 
>>> tuner
>>> and remote, the remote works very well and many times easier than using
>>> the
>>> keyboard.  Note that these keyboard shortcuts along with shortcuts for
>>> all
>>> MS products can be found here.
>>>  Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
>>> To: Turn up volume
>>> Press: F10
>>> To: Turn down volume
>>> Press: F9
>>> To: Mute volume
>>> Press: F8
>>> To: Open Messenger in Media Center
>>> Press: CTRL+N
>>> To: Display the Help window
>>> Press: F1
>>> To: Display an additional menu of actions for a page or item that is
>>> selected
>>> Press: CTRL+D
>>> To: Go in and go out of windowed mode
>>> Press: ALT+ENTER
>>> To: Move left, right, up, or down
>>> Press: ARROW KEYS
>>> To: Go to the previous page
>>> Press: PAGE UP
>>> To: Go to the next page
>>> Press: PAGE DOWN
>>> To: Go to the last item in a list
>>> Press: END
>>> To: Go to the first item in a list
>>> Press: HOME
>>> To: Go back to the previous screen
>>> Press: BACKSPACE
>>> To: Accept the selection
>>> Press: ENTER
>>> To: Close Media Center
>>> Press: ALT+F4
>>> To: Open Media Center or return to the Media Center Start menu
>>> Press: Windows Key+ALT+ENTER
>>> To: Go to the previous channel
>>> Press: PAGE DOWN
>>> To: Go to the next channel
>>> Press: PAGE UP
>>> To: Skip forward 30 second while watching TV
>>> Press: CTRL+F
>>> To: Skip back 7 seconds while watching TV
>>> Press: CTRL+B
>>> To: Fast forward live TV or recorded TV
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+F
>>> To: Rewind live TV or recorded TV
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+B
>>> To: Play live TV or recorded TV
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+P
>>> To: Stop recording or stop playing a TV show
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+S
>>> To: Pause or resume live TV or recorded TV
>>> Press: CTRL+P
>>> To: Record a TV show
>>> Press: CTRL+R
>>> To: Go to live TV
>>> Press: CTRL+T
>>> To: Go to the Guide
>>> Press: CTRL+G
>>> To: Go to Recorded TV
>>> Press: CTRL+O
>>> To: Go to My TV
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+T
>>> To: Copy a CD
>>> Press: CTRL+R
>>> To: Fast forward a song
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+F
>>> To: Skip to the next song
>>> Press: CTRL+F
>>> To: Replay an audio file or song
>>> Press: CTRL+B
>>> To: Stop an audio file or song
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+S
>>> To: Pause an audio file or song
>>> Press: CTRL+P
>>> To: Play an audio file or song
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+P
>>> To: Go to My Music
>>> Press: CTRL+M
>>> To: Skip forward
>>> Press: CTRL+F
>>> To: Skip back
>>> Press: CTRL+B
>>> To: Resume playing radio
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+P
>>> To: Stop live radio
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+S
>>> To: Pause or resume playing live radio
>>> Press: CTRL+P
>>> To: Go to Radio
>>> Press: CTRL+A
>>> To: Zoom a picture in full-screen mode
>>> Press: ENTER
>>> To: Skip forward to the next picture
>>> Press: RIGHT ARROW
>>> To: Skip back to the previous picture
>>> Press: LEFT ARROW
>>> To: Pause a slide show
>>> Press: CTRL+P
>>> To: Stop a slide show
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+S
>>> To: Play a slide show
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+P
>>> To: Go to My Pictures
>>> Press: CTRL+I
>>> To: Skip forward 30 seconds in a video
>>> Press: CTRL+F
>>> To: Skip back 7 seconds in a video
>>> Press: CTRL+B
>>> To: Fast forward a video
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+F
>>> To: Rewind a video
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+B
>>> To: Stop playing a video
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+S
>>> To: Pause or resume a video
>>> Press: CTRL+P
>>> To: Play a video
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+P
>>> To: Go to My Videos
>>> Press: CTRL+E
>>> To: Change the DVD subtitles selection
>>> Press: CTRL+U
>>> To: Change the DVD audio selection
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+A
>>> To: Change the DVD angle
>>> Press: ARROW KEYS
>>> To: Skip forward or go to the next chapter
>>> Press: CTRL+F
>>> To: Skip back or go to the previous chapter
>>> Press: CTRL+B
>>> To: Fast forward
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+F
>>> To: Rewind
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+B
>>> To: Stop a DVD
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+S
>>> To: Pause or resume playing a DVD
>>> Press: CTRL+P
>>> To: Play a DVD
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+P
>>> To: Go to the DVD menu
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+M
>>> To: Turn closed captioning on or off
>>> Press: CTRL+SHIFT+C
>>> --Warmest regards,
>>> --Rick Alfaro
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> On Behalf Of Jim Noseworthy
>>> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 8:34 AM
>>> To: PC Audio
>>> Subject: XP Media Center Question.
>>> Hi Folks:
>>> Anyone have any tips and tricks as to how to use Windows XP Media Center
>>> with JAWS? I am especially thinking of TV recording program scheduling.
>>> Thanks all over the place gang.
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