Both Windows and mac versions of iTunes were released yesterday, and 
the Mac version is more accessible, whereas at least from what I've 
been able to tell, the windows version is just as inaccessible as it 
was before.

At 11:23 PM 3/6/2007, you wrote:
>I am not totally sure I understand your message.  Does this include 
>the latest I Tunes for Windows XP?  If so, how long has this release 
>been the current release?  I just updated my I-Tunes last week, but 
>I really haven't done much with it other than install it.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Dane Trethowan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "PC audio discussion list." <>
>Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 2:49 AM
>Subject: New version of itunes available.
>: Ok, for those of you who use a Mac then check your "software update"
>: and download the latest version of Itunes, you'll get a very pleasant
>: surprise.
>: Accessability has been improved a hundred fold and whilst it yet
>: doesn't appear to be absolutely perfect its well on the way so full
>: marks to Apple on this one along with those many people who have
>: provided feedback and suggestions.
>: Dane Trethowan
>: Phone/TTY +61 3 9747 3975
>: Fax: +61 3 9743 7954
>: skype: grtdane12
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