On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 12:40:15 -0700, you wrote:

>Nope!  this is just from a regular install.  I haven't played with custom 
>highlights yet.  How is that suppose to be a benefit for us?  Is it 
>something that is possible for a total?

Some menus (like ITunes) come in non-standard color combinations.
Some lists come like that, too.  Easy CD Creator's highlighting scheme
is similar to stripes, one being bright, the next being a darker
color.  In JAWS, focus on a track and you'll hear it say white on
Azure or some such shade of blue.  The normal JAWS highlight detector
works with a color called Bright White, not just plain ordinary white.
Now, if you move the JAWSCursor up and down through the list of tracks
you are not on, you'll notice that INSERT+5 gives you two different
color combinations.  This is why I says it's like being striped,
because that's what stripes are--bands of alternating color, two or
more.  The key is the invisible checkbox next to each track.  It's
invisible because of that damned Delphi programming interface that so
many developers (like SAM Broadcaster) just love because you can slap
screens together quick as the Easter bunny.

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