Hi All,

I am trying the internet radio program.  Does anyone know if it is possible 
to turn off the god aweful sam voice?  Any help would be
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "hank smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 4:09 PM
Subject: Fw: [Blind Audio] Mozekty: The Talking Internet Radio Database

> 73
> hank smith
> amateur radio call sign:
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> 301027
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> hanksmith5
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> hanksmith5
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 7:15 AM
> Subject: [Blind Audio] Mozekty: The Talking Internet Radio Database
>>I have lots of friends who ask me for accessible websites to find good
>> links to internet radio stations. I usually send them to
>> http://www.billsparks.org
>> because Bill is visually impaired and understands how to create an
>> online database of station listings that is screen reader friendly. Bill
>> does a great
>> job at keeping his website updated, but there's only so much one guy
>> can do.
>> Sometimes, you just want to try something new. Why can't there be a
>> database of stations that is being checked by a handfull of people to
>> insure that they
>> are online and why can't that database be screen reader friendly? I was
>> asking myself this question one day and did a Google search for internet
>> radio
>> database. The results weren't good. What I found were programs that
>> were not accessible and tons of online resources that hadn't been
>> updated in years.
>> Well, I kept searching and eventually came to the
>> InfraDrive Mozekty page at http://www.infradrive.com/mozekty.php
>> . The description of the program said that "Mozekty is a free fast tool
>> to play your audio streams and radio stations, you can also get a list
>> of the latest
>> radio stations on the internet and save your favourite stations.
>> Features include:
>> Listen to hundreds of internet radio stations from around the world
>> with this full-featured player.
>> Add, edit or delete stations from your stations database.
>> Check for latest stations found on the internet by connecting to
>> Bitsnips.com.
>> Get full info and statistics about the current playing stream.
>> Full control from Mozekty system tray icon when the application is
>> minimized.
>> Friendly user interface.
>> Great tool with a small size."
>> I knew this was the program I was looking for. I went to the
>> InfraDrive Download Page at http://www.infradrive.com/downloads.php
>> and got a copy of Mozekty.
>> The program worked great but had one problem with JAWS. As I tabbed
>> through the various options, I noticed that JAWS wouldn't read the
>> actual list of stations.
>> This was an obvious problem. How was I going to know what station I had
>> selected?
>> I sent an email to
>> and got an immediate email and Skype call from Ehab El-agizy. As we
>> chatted, I discovered that this guy was really interested in my issue.
>> He wanted to
>> make this program accessible for blind and visually impaired users and
>> to continue to offer it for free. We talked about JAWS and Window Eyes
>> and how they
>> read the screen to people who are blind or visually impaired. He
>> downloaded a demo of each program and decided that the best way to bring
>> accessibility
>> to this program was to write his own Text to Speech interface.
>> As you can imagine, I was floored. How many people do you know would
>> take this kind of interest in making a program accessible? Well, a few
>> days later,
>> he was sending me the first beta. It worked well and I could use my
>> default SAPI voice to access most of the program's menus and combo
>> boxes.
>> This was outstanding. A few days later the second beta arived. Now the
>> entire program spoke and additional speech support was added. Now, I
>> could choose
>> any SAPI 4 or SAPI 5 voice and make it the default voice for the
>> program. I could now access the program just as easily as any person
>> with vision. I was
>> so impressed by the work done that I promised to spread the word to as
>> many blind and visually impaired people as possible. You are reading the
>> result
>> of that promise.
>> If you are interested in internet radio, I'd like for you to give this
>> program a download. If you know of good internet radio stations, please
>> submit them
>> so we can add them to the database for all to enjoy. The current
>> version does not support streams by RealMedia because of their
>> perprietary nature. This
>> may be fixed in future releases. Ehab wants our feedback and has a
>> forum for us to post suggestions and new internet radio listings.
>> You can also send new listings to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> . He did the programming and I did the testing. We made a great team
>> and I hope we can continue to work together on the program's
>> development. So, what
>> are you waiting for?
>> Click this direct link to download Mozekty.
>> http://www.infradrive.com/downloads/Mozekty.exe
>> If you have any questions about the program's speech output, feel free
>> to contact me at
>> Michael McCarty
>> Fred's Head Database Coordinator
>> American Printing House for the Blind
>> Phone: 502 899-2396
>> Fax: 502 899-2363
>> Skype: mbmccarty
>> www.aph.org
>> www.FredsHeadCompanion.blogspot.com
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