
Before you do anything, go to the general preferences tab in Winamp, 
and tab to the playback options. on that page, tab to the checkbox 
that says "allow 24 bit audio" and check it. I don't think it will be 
necessary to change any of the other options in that box, but then 
again, I'm not familiar with your personal settings. However, in my 
case, I think most of mine are set to the defaults, and they present 
no problems.

Next you will need to open the configuration settings in the mad 
plugin, and in the general settings tab, make sure the box for 
enabling the plugin is checked.
Next tab to the decoder options box, and tab to the Checkbox that 
says 24 bit resolution and check that.

The third option, that of linking equalization to Winamp may or may 
not be in your version of the plugin. I don't recall it being in the 
first edition of the plugin, but I could be wrong. Anyway, It didn't 
seem to matter if I didn't with that edition, but if it is available, 
check the link eq to Winamp option under the output tab.

The final thing is to either delete, but a more practical option 
would to simply rename the in_mp3.dll file before opening Winamp with 
the mad plugin.

If you would like the latest beta, I can send it to you. If you need 
any further help, let me know, and we can exchange phone numbers privately.

Good luck

At 06:44 PM 2/20/2007, you wrote:
>Hi I have the mad plug in installed and now it says that it is running cause
>the box is checked for it to be running.  So how do I then test it to see if
>it is infact doing what it is installed to do?  And how then do I get rid of
>the stuff that I am supposed to so I can make this plug in work the way it
>is supposed to?  Also how do I then lin the equalizer to this as suggested
>so that I will all run nicely on my system also?  Thanks and I am looking
>forward to any assistance that I may geit this this.
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