Jana, There use to be a page on the ACB radio site that explains most of this. It may still be there. If you are using the software based synthesizer that comes with jaws you want to be able to talk and have the music play at the same time because to do this would put the speach from jaws over the air.
The cd wripper I use is called CDex. You can download it from the JFW lite web site: http://www.jfwlite.com. The ACB radio web site URL is: http://www.acbradio.org. Hope this helps. On Feb 21, 2007, at 12:12 AM, Jana Jackson wrote: > Hi, everyone! I'm new to the list, and I'm desperate for some help. > In a few > days, I'm scheduled to begin hosting a daily 2-hour Christian radio > show for > an on-line radio station. I know there are a lot of accessible > options out > there for broadcasting, but if possible, I'd like to be able to use > the same > set-up as the other DJ's, so that we're on the same page, so to speak. > > We're using Winamp, along with ShoutCast, and we're currently > broadcasting > on Live365. We use the IVocalize software, and we're broadcasting > from a > virtual chat room. Basically, I need help from the ground up. For > starters, > I just spent 2 hours in the radio room, trying to get both the > music and the > microphone to play through my system. It seems that there's a plug- > in that I > can get for Winamp, so that I can do this, but I have no idea where > to go to > find it. If there isn't, is there a setting that I need to change > to make > it work? Also, I'm using JFW 8, and while I'm managing to kind of use > IVocalize, I'm sure that there are scripts that I can get that will > make it > work better... Does anyone know where I can find them? > > Last question for now. Is the CD-ripper in Winamp accessible? I > recently > purchased Winamp Pro, because among other things, I needed a faster > program > for ripping CD's than the one I'm currently using. However, I > haven't been > able to figure out how to get to the CD-ripper in Winamp. > > > I know that I have other questions, lots of them, but after > spending all > this time trying to listen to everyone typing and/or talking to me > in that > chat room and trying to follow their directions, I think my brain > is just > completely fried! <LOL> If you like, you can e-mail me off-list at > either > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > or > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > I've noticed that my spam filter isn't allowing some messages to come > through, so you may want to send your responses to both of my e-mail > addresses, if you e-mail me off-list. I'll leave my phone numbers > here as > well. Thanks so much, and God bless! > > Jana Jackson > Phone: 615-661-5254 > Cell: 615-828-5262 > > P.S. I have an Alva Braille display, and since I'm proficient with > Braille, > I'm certainly open to suggestions for using it in this situation, > so that I > don't have to use speech as much. I wish that JFW had a feature for > disabling speech while moving from one program to another. It would > be good > if the option for muting the speech could remain on until JFW was > re-started > or until a person wanted to toggle it back on, instead of having to > disable > it again every time you Alt-tab between programs. <Smile> Thanks! > > Jana > > > > Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... > http://www.pc-audio.org > > To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... http://www.pc-audio.org To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]