>From: Jeff Bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Hello Everyone,
>Before we get to this weeks show content, we have a number of announcements
>to make concerning Main Menu and Main Menu Live:
>1.  All Main Menu and Main Menu Live shows will be available on demand
>within 2 hours after the first airing of Main Menu and Main Menu Live.  This
>will include the Main Menu and Main Menu Live podcast feeds (more on this in
>a minute) and the On Demand Archive page.  This starts with this weeks show.
>2.  The ACB Radio web master team has been hard at work at adding more
>podcast feeds to the site.  Our intention is to provide podcast feeds for
>all shows on Main Stream for those that wish us to create them (show
>producers, et us know).  We have two new feeds for Main Menu and Main Menu
>Live.  They are:
>Main Menu
>Main Menu Live
>If you browse to:
>then this will take you to the ACB Radio Replay page where all podcast links
>can be found for all Main Stream shows.  As we add more in the near future
>they will be reflected here.
>For those of you that are utilizing the older Main Menu podcast feed, we
>would kindly ask you to move to the new feed address in your podcatching
>3.  Since the start of Main Menu Live one of our goals has been to try and
>interact with our audience more.  Keeping this in mind, we have created a
>email list for Main Menu and Main Menu Live listeners.  Do you have a
>question for a recently heard Main Menu show?  Would you like to produce
>content for Main Menu?  Would you like to suggest a topic that you would
>like to be heard on the show?  This list is intended for all of that and
>much more.  We want to consider this a continuing discussion after the live
>shows are over.  The list has been created on Google Groups.  You can
>subscribe to the list by sending an email to:
>Think of the list as a 24-hour Main Menu Live opportunity to ask questions.
>See you on the list.
>OK, with all of that out of the way, what is coming up on Main Menu and Main
>Menu Live this week:
>This week we bring you a majority of content related to all things radio in
>some way.
>In the first pre-recorded hour of Main Menu we here from Steve Bauer all
>about a HD radio from Radio Shack.  Next we hear from Darrell Shandrow all
>about a Talking Timer.  To complete the first hour we bring you the first
>part of a presentation from Sky Taylor all about tIRC (MIRC with special
>scripts that interface with JAWS, Window-Eyes, Eloquence and other speech
>During the second hour we come on live with Darrell Shandrow (a co-producer
>for Main Menu Live) and Bill Dettering from Applian, the makers of
>Replay-AV, Replay-Converter, Replay-Music and more.  Think of Replay-AV as
>TiVo for audio.  We will talk with Bill all about the new features found in
>Replay-AV version 8.0 and the very inexpensive Replay-Converter product as
>well.  One of the features of Replay-AV is the supporting of TV tuner cards.
>We will ask Bill to describe that interface to us.
>During the second hour we will also hear from Jamie Pauls from Access Watch
>all about American Printing House's Money Talks product.
>The most important part of the second hour is you, the listener and
>contributor.  The phone lines will be open for you to call in and chat with
>our guest on all of Applian's products.  Get your questions ready!
>If you have any questions for any of our guests this week, then please get
>them to us.  They can be mailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If you would
>prefer to call into the show and ask your question then simply call
>866-400-5333 when the show starts.  We will have open lines during the
>second hour of the show.
>On next weeks show (February 21st) we will cover all things Olympus DS-50.
>Neal Ewers, Don Barrett and Randy Knapp join the Main Menu production team
>on Main Menu Live to talk all things digital from digital voice recorders to
>keyboards.  Get your questions ready as everyone on that show has an Olympus
>DS-50 or access to one anyway and we can answer all of your questions.
>Main Menu Live can be heard on Tuesday evening at 8:00 Eastern, 5:00
>Pacific, and at 1 universal on Wednesday morning on the ACB Radio Main
>Stream channel.  Don't forget that this will be a 2 hour show.
>To listen to the show, just click this link
>Jeff Bishop
>Main Menu Producer

Regards Steve
Skype:  steve1963

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