Hi folks Subject line basically says what I'd like to do. I record several radio shows that are about 3 to 4 hours in length, and so I figured I would try to figure out a way to split the mp3s of the shows I record into smaller files, 1 hour in length each. It just makes it easier to navigate a long show like that.
Ok, so I went into the ssplitting tab of the preferences, and if you use your screenreader's review cursor, there are several different fields you can fill in, depending on when you want the file to split. So first I checked the box that says, split tracks every, followed by a value of 60, thinking that it would split the file into 4 smaller ones, one for each hour of the show. I left the other fields alone because they just determine other times a ffile can be split, so I left those alone. Well, as you can probably guess, it didn't work for whatever reason. I got absolutely no recording when I did this, and I'm just wondering if I'm doing something wrong? unfortunately, the fields in that particular dialogue aren't very easily read when you press your tab key at least with JAWS 8.0 they aren't. When you press your tab key, you hear, split tracks at edit, split tracks at edit, split tracks at edit...it's really confusing. To make sure i'm absolutely clear here, let's say I'm recording a show that lasts 4 hours long. What I'd like to do is to split the recording of this show into 4 smaller files, 1 hour each. i know other programs can do this task as well, but when I record a show, I would like for replay A/V to do it automatically. i don't want to have to record the show and then load this big file into sound forge and then split it up. I know Replay A/V can do it, I just need to work out how to do it exactly. So if anyone can help that'd be wonderful. Thanks. Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... http://www.pc-audio.org To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]