Howdy Folks,
Cooking in the Dark has moved its pod cast site.
Here is our new addresses:
Listen and download at:

For Pod catchers:

We will be slowly moving all the archives over a few at a time.

Let Dale Campbell show you each week that you don't need sight to 
cook dinner tonight!
Along with his co host, Cheryl Cummings, you will learn tips and 
tricks as well as a bit of info about foods and cooking...not to 
mention great recipes prepared while you listen!
Get  into the kitchen and make something delicious.

The shows also stream on the internet.

Houston Taping for the ?Blind on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 4 pm 
pacific, 3 pm central, and 1 pm eastern.

ACB Radio on Saturday/Sunday beginning at 8 pm eastern, 7 pm central, 
and 5 pacific on the mainstream channel.

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