
         This is the third announcement I've gotten concerning this 
fine and enciteful podcast.  I downloaded it the first time and 
learned a lot from it.  I've been eagerly awaiting the next part to 
further my education on the use of replay a v.  Is part two due out 
soon?  I hope the second notice of this podcast wasn't part two, as I 
deleted it, having already downloaded the podcast the first time it 
was available.


>Here's podcast 01 I did on Replay AV 8.03. They are not
>professionally done but should help those who do not own Replay
>AV 8.03. I use JAWS 8 here. I also have to mention that my voice
>was too loud on these recordings. Best I can do.
>To download the file to your PC do a right mouse click on the
>link below and use "Save Target As"
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