Hello to everyone,

Looking for a USB sound card since my Dell Inspiron 1000 sound card is all
the rage.
Would like the opportunity to use the USB Sound card for connection to my
mixer for my podcast.
Can anyone suggest a brand or model that they have had success with and that
it allows for the most ability to adjust anything and everything

Stephen A. Guerra
Assistive Technology Specialist
Independent Living Aids
"Products for Your Active Independent Life!"
200 Robbins Lane
Jericho, NY 11753
Phone: (516) 937-1848-x313
  Fax: (516) 937-3906
Skype: ILASteve
Web Site:

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Don Ball
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 4:53 PM
To: PC audio discussion list. 
Subject: Re: Devices for Recording LP's and 45's to Digital

all you really need is a turntable with a built in preamp to plug in to the
line of the sound card to make lp recordings. But I do use a mixer as a go
betwene so I can e q my lps the way I want them. I would use goldwave,
totalrecorder, sound forge to record my tracks. Either one of these is
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Bolduc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC Audio Users" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 6:00 AM
Subject: Devices for Recording LP's and 45's to Digital

Good morning to the List,

I am looking for recommendations of which device or devices to purchase that
will allow me to play and record our extensive LP library.

I have read about ION having a $150 device and C Crane having one that
records to CD and not to the computer for $400.

I would like to know what others have used and or if any problems showed up.

Please reply to me directly:


Thank you,

Have a great day,

Paul Bolduc

Amateur Radio Operator: WR1X

Located in the only town named Royalston in North America and maybe even the
Royalston is located in Massachusetts

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