I believe it's the best recording software for anybody, blind or 
sighted, doesn't matter if you can see or not, Replay A/V is well 
worth the investment.
Petro, how did you become a beta tester for these folks? I wouldn't 
mind helping them myself, as I'm an experienced beta tester for a few 
well-known companies.

At 09:16 AM 1/4/2007, you wrote:
>The Resize handle button you hear within Replay AV 8.0+ is for
>sighted users only. It allows the user to change the program's
>UI size. This is what I was told by Applian Tech. We cannot use
>it. I hope all you appreciate my efforts to make this software
>accessible to you all. I believe its the best recording software
>for the blind pc user. Thank you, Petro.
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