Good mother!

I am deffinently trying this!

Hey jonathan, what about doing conference calling, or call transferring.
Can that be done accessibly?


Chris Gilland
CLG Production General manager


Phone:  1-888-346-2666

Mon-Fri. 8:00AM-5:00PM Eastern time Except holidays.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Allison Mervis
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:42 AM
To: PC audio discussion list.
Subject: Re: A Very Accessible SIP Soft Phone

Sounds groovtastic!

my credo:
Clinton lied, nothing happened
Bush lied, thousands died
and thus far, over 3,000 have sustained permanent brain injuries
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Mosen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'PC audio discussion list. '"
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:35 AM
Subject: A Very Accessible SIP Soft Phone

> Hi all,
> I set myself a project to find myself an accessible SIP soft phone that
> was
> not branded to any particular service, but which was designed entirely to
> connect without bias to the full range of SIP providers.
> SIP stands for Session Initiation protocol, and it is the protocol behind
> most voice over IP telephony systems today. If you've used the Voipbuster,
> Google talk, Gizmo Project or Stanaphone client for example, or you've
> used
> Vonage with a phone plugged into their box, then you've used SIP. The
> major
> exception to this is Skype, which is proprietary.
> A free, highly accessible soft phone is Express Talk, from
> With this software, I am already connected to three providers from within
> the client. Voipbuster, Stanaphone, and Free World Dialup. There are,
> believe it or not, six lines on this phone, so you can be connected to up
> to
> six providers concurrently. The software has a standard menu bar and
> buttons
> which are accessible by tabbing. There are plenty of shortcut keys and a
> 100% accessible address book. It will also record calls to Wave format
> using
> its built in recorder. With optional software, you can also play a range
> of
> music or other material when calls are put on hold. There is even a free
> package for it.
> You can even sign up to the bigger providers like Broadvoice, which has an
> option that allows you to purchase their plans without buying any hardware
> from them.
> ExpressTalk is a really cool package which will allow you to explore the
> huge range of options for VOIP calling, either PC to PC, or PC to phone,
> that use this open protocol. And there are heaps of them out there. Skype
> is
> of course a major player, but the principle behind this open protocol is
> an
> excellent one. After all, when you email someone, you don't have to worry
> about whether the recipient of your email is using the same email client
> as
> you. When you phone someone, you don't have to worry about whether they
> are
> on the same phone network as you. And the same should be true with VOIP.
> So
> if you're interested in Skype alternatives, check this out.
> Jonathan
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