Yes, I run my ipod shuffle through 2.1 speaker system with no problems and 
very good quality.

  Let a smile be your lantern of joy
robert Doc Wright
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dane Trethowan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list." <>
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 8:11 AM
Subject: Ipod Shuffle and connecting to an audio system

Ok, I've read my Shuffle manual and it doesn't mention connecting to
a Hi-Fi or audio system actually, it just mentions connecting the
headphones to the headphones port so obviously it doesn't have a
dedicated line-out but I can say that it works when I connect it to
the music port on my Micro Hi-Fi here, the auxilary port of my
Panasonic RXED50 portable CD Radio Cassette unit etc. I've also
hooked it up to computer speakers without a problem so I think I can
safely assume from all this that if you were to connect the unit to
the line-in of an amp for instance, you'd get pretty good results
though (as has b een mentioned) not quite as good as you would get if
you had a dedicated line-out socket or port.
Now having said all that, its possible that there may be an Ipod
shuffle dock out there somewhere that gives the user a dedicated line-
out socket.
Thanks for raising this, most interesting.

Dane Trethowan
Positive power and feeling from me is yours.
Phone: +61 3 9747 3975
Fax: +61 3 9743 7954
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skype: grtdane12

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