Well, according to MLB, they would prefer you to use Windows Media, so even
if you call them or write them I doubt you'll get any help.  I can only say
that I bought the TV package for a month but I haven't seen that problem
yet.  Try clearing the respective player's caches and make sure that only 1
player is the default player for Windows audio/video.

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of kevin and emma
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 8:21 AM
To: PC audio discussion list. 
Subject: Re: real player oddity

hi tim, erm you've lost me. i wasn't blaming anyone for anything. in fact, i
actually prefer using realplayer, hence my frustration with the problem i
have. are you saying it's a deliberate ploy by mlb.tv to scramble the feed
when people try and use realplayer to play the feed?
i've no idea if it's an mlb.tv problem, or a realplayer problem as i don't
know anyone who has experienced it. i just want to know if anyone knows why
realplayer seems to be trying to play two copies of the same feed out of
sync, making it unlistenable too.
kevin (lord L)
"Civilization exists by geological consent, subject to change without
notice." - will durant
email/msn: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tim Grady" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 12:45 PM
Subject: RE: real player oddity

> Blaming real networks for a policy that MLB has adopted is not the thing
> do.  I asked the MLB why it was so insistent about making their content
> unplayable by Real.  It seems to be a battle between Microsoft and real.
> It's funny, but most of the techs I talked to at mlb.com preferred it when
> they could access content with Realplayer.  It seems that Realplayer is
> accessible to sighted people than Windows Media.
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of kevin and emma
> Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 6:58 AM
> To: PC audio discussion list.
> Subject: real player oddity
> hi all, this one's got me totally stumped!  it relates to mlb.tv. i guess
> few people do the same as i do and when the mlb.tv media player opens, i
> to properties, copy the URL of the feed, copy this into realplayer. this
> you can use the seek command among other things when listening to
> now for some reason recently, using this method, i've been unable to
> to the stream using realplayer. basically i get the feed ok, but it sounds
> like realplayer is playing two copies of the same feed about a second
> i've switched to using window media player to do the same job, but i can't
> get it's seek command to do small jumps! i've tried all i can think of to
> get realplayer to play the feed properly, but nothing seems to work. what
> i missing? or is this normal for realplayer these days! if someone can
> i can send a sample of the type of nonsense realplayer is coming up with.
> the way, this doesn't happen with any other audio feed i use, but this is
> the only live video feed i use.
> kevin (lord L)
> "Civilization exists by geological consent, subject to change without
> notice." - will durant
> email/msn: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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