Hi all,

I need the advice of someone who knows how to deal with CD's that have 
been improperly broken up into tracks. I hav an audiobook on CD which I 
purchased some time ago. The CD is broken up rather liberally into tracks, 
but when Blackstone Audiobooks did so, they didn't make sure the tracks 
were broken up at exactly the right places to prevent the occasional pop 
between tracks. Apparently this has to be done carefully, and Gold Wave 
can do this perfectly. But since Gold Wave didn't do this, there are the 
occasional pops. Is there any way that one can do something to fix the 
track lengths so the number of bytes is whatever a CD needs to prevent 
this sort of thing from happening? I hope this makes some sense.


Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he
gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12 NIV

Bruce Toews
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